Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence: advantages and disadvantages


The history of the world has been chronicled over the past two centuries by a dazzling development of science in all its disciplines like the Internet, Big Data, Cloud Assessment etc. However, there are still quests not yet completed, including that of artificial intelligence. This discipline is working on creating machines endowed with certain faculties intrinsic to man, such as reasoning, the perception of natural languages, etc. What would be the impact of such inventions?

What is AI?

AI is a type of technology that performs relatively complex tasks such as machine learning, analyzing specific processes and data. Most importantly, the most significant advancement is the ability to perform functions and have behaviors very similar to those of human beings. G Cloud 12

Terms associated with artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a catch-all phrase for software that performs strenuous activities that traditionally require human intervention, such as conversing with clients online or playing chess. Time is often used interchangeably with the areas that make up AI, such as machine learning and deep learning. There are, however, differences. For example, machine learning is all about building systems that learn or improve their performance based on their process data. It’s important to note that while all machine learning relies on AI, AI isn’t limited to machine learning.  Fraud Detection

To get the utmost out of artificial intelligence, many companies are investing heavily in data science teams. Data science, an interdisciplinary discipline that employs scientific and other methods to harness data, combines skills from statistics and IT with business insights to analyze data collected from multiple sources. So without further adieu let’s look at Artificial Intelligence Pros And Cons:

The advantages of artificial intelligence

Some advantages of artificial intelligence.

Effectiveness and efficiency

The adoption of these robots in man’s daily life has a considerable advantage in terms of the tasks assigned to AI. It is, in fact, clear that the machines are based on well-defined algorithms, make it possible to optimize the efficiency and effectiveness of a job carried out. The man will therefore be able to take less risk in accomplishing tasks since he devotes himself only to specific work. Artificial Intelligence also helps in Fraud Detection and Prevention.

Wealth creation

The application of these inventions would be an undeniable source of economic growth in any economy. This is justified not only by the effectiveness and efficiency of robots but also by the job creation required for their design.

Preservation of human life

The machines, by succeeding men in specific duties, can guard them against certain fatal threats. This is the case, for example, with their use for space exploration.

The disadvantages of artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence also has drawbacks.

Human Development

Artificial intelligence has a significant disadvantage in that it poses a threat to human development. Indeed, man must engage with his surroundings to develop. He dissociates himself from his fellow man and creates a universe in which he identifies more and more with machines by becoming familiar with machines. As a result, specific essential ideals governing man’s evolution in society are being lost.


The occupations that will develop will be focused on the design of these robots, which will, in turn, displace men in other industries. As a result, artificial intelligence’s development would be a source of growing poverty and its consequences.